We are Solar Micronics.

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Solar Micronics is an EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) company, specializing in the design and installation of rooftop solar systems, commercial solar systems, and utility-scale solar power plants. With our extensive experience in solar technology and novel integrated sustainable home building solutions, our engineers are enabled to rapidly create customized solar energy solutions for commercial, industrial, community solar or utility- scale power plant installations. We also offer consultation services for Electrical Design, Structural Design, Procurement of Materials, Bid Assistance and Construction Management in solar power installation. We incorporate some of the latest technologies in achieving high efficiencies and lowering the cost of our solar products.

Want to learn how solar can benefit your next project?

Contact the experts today!


Dr. Vish (Ganesan Visvabharathy), President:

Dr. Vish is an electrical engineer, with an MBA, and a Ph. D. from the University of Illinois, Champaign. A noted real estate developer, his solar firm, Solar Micronics, has been focused on commercial installations in the past, but the availability of excellent incentives from the states of IL, and MA, beginning mid-2018, has refocused the company in the direction of community solar, and solar + storage.

Yolanda Contreras, Director of Operations

Yolanda has been with Dr. Vish over the past 15 years, and during this period, she headed several real estate functions such as supply chain management, construction draw requests, bill of quantities, contractor payouts, and field supervision. As Director of Operations, she oversees not only the physical construction, but also the design of the solar field.

Leticia Velez, Director, Government Relations

Letty has spent the past several years as an entrepreneur, advocate, and enthusiast for small business. Her contacts in the governmental circles is far and wide. She was felicitated as 'Woman entrepreneur of the year' by Walmart, and is the winner of the Goldman Sachs award for small business enterprise. She has the ability to talk up or talk down to any level so people understand her viewpoints clearly, and eventually are swayed to her side. A 'queen of persuasion' indeed!

Trish Pappano, Director of Procurement

For over 30 years, The LoSasso Family has built a solid reputation as one of the most trusted electrical service businesses in West Chester, PA. The LoSasso's have been committed to providing quality service to the community. They believe that having a reputation as an honest and reliable business is the recipe for success. Paul LoSasso’s belief was that a good reputation, consistent and trustworthy service will enable a long term profitable business that serves the community.

How We Work

  • 1 Engineering, Procurement and Construction: We provide end-to-end system sizing, system design and material specifications. Construction, operations and maintenance of solar plants from small 5kw to 100 mw plants.

  • 2Consultation: Electrical design, structural design, bid assistance.

  • 3 Application of grants from government from our database of possible grants. Fundraising from alumni and supporters in case of non-profits.

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